Description: This intermediate feature class represents important HIS (Highway Information Systems) assets flattened on the state maintained transportation network. In addition to the segment breaks at intersections and county boundaries from the base KYAllRoads, additional breaks into smaller segments were driven by intersections with each of the subsequent assets, which do not correspond to the base segments on a one-to-one basis. The final product is converted to a WKT (well known text representation of geometry) for its ultimate use in Big Data and ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) analyses. All HIS data, geometry and schema are updated weekly through a set of extract processes from KYTC Planning EXOR through TEDP (Transportation Enterprise Database Production) to GIS SQL Spatial SDE geodatabase feature classes.
Copyright Text: This dataset was created by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Office of Information Technology, Spatial Services Branch. Questions should be directed to the Spatial Services Branch Manager at (502) 782-3729.