| Not rated |
| Water - not rated |
| acid clayey alluvium |
| acid fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone |
| acid fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| acid silty alluvium |
| black shale |
| calcareous clayey lacustrine deposits |
| calcareous fine-silty alluvium |
| cherty limestone |
| clayey alluvium |
| clayey alluvium and/or colluvium derived from limestone |
| clayey alluvium and/or colluvium derived from limestone and shale |
| clayey alluvium and/or residuum weathered from limestone |
| clayey alluvium derived from limestone |
| clayey alluvium derived from limestone and shale and/or clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale |
| clayey alluvium derived from limestone and/or clayey colluvium derived from limestone |
| clayey alluvium derived from phosphatic limestone |
| clayey alluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or limestone |
| clayey alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale |
| clayey alluvium over loamy alluvium |
| clayey colluvium and/or clayey alluvium derived from calcareous shale and/or limestone |
| clayey colluvium and/or residuum weathered from acid shale |
| clayey colluvium derived from acid shale |
| clayey colluvium derived from dolomite |
| clayey colluvium derived from igneous and metamorphic rock |
| clayey colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| clayey colluvium derived from limestone |
| clayey colluvium derived from limestone and sandstone |
| clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale |
| clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale and/or siltstone and/or dolomite and/or clayey alluvium |
| clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or siltstone |
| clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or clayey alluvium |
| clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or clayey alluvium derived from limestone |
| clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or mixed alluvium |
| clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or shale |
| clayey colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| clayey colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone |
| clayey colluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| clayey colluvium derived from shale and siltstone |
| clayey lacustrine deposits |
| clayey residuum and/or colluvium derived from acid shale and/or sandstone and siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from acid shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from acid shale and/or clayey colluvium derived from acid shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from acid shale and/or siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from argillaceous limestone |
| clayey residuum weathered from argillaceous limestone and/or shaly limestone |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone and/or limestone |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or dolomite |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or interbedded limestone |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or limestone |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or limestone and siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or phosphatic limestone |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or siltstone and/or limestone and dolomite |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or soft dolomite |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone and/or limestone and shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone |
| clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone and/or shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from clayey shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from dolomite |
| clayey residuum weathered from dolomite and/or mudstone and/or siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and sandstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or interbedded mudstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous siltstone and/or calcareous shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or interbedded calcareous shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or interbedded shale and siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone |
| clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone and/or shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from shale |
| clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or limestone |
| clayey residuum weathered from shale and/or limestone |
| clayey, calcareous lacustrine deposits |
| clayey, clacareous lacustrine deposits |
| clayey-skeletal residuum weathered from acid shale |
| clayey-skeletal residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or limestone |
| coal extraction mine spoil derived from coal |
| coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| coarse-loamy alluvium |
| coarse-loamy alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| coarse-loamy alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale |
| coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone |
| coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| coarse-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone |
| coarse-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale |
| coarse-loamy colluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| coarse-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone |
| coarse-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone and/or acid sandstone |
| coarse-loamy mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sandstone |
| coarse-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone |
| coarse-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| coarse-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| coarse-silty alluvium |
| coarse-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| coarse-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone |
| coarse-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or old alluvium |
| cobbly colluvium derived from sandstone over residuum weathered from shale |
| dolomite |
| eolian sands |
| fine-loamy alluvium |
| fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium and/or residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from cherty limestone |
| fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from cherty limestone |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| fine-loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| fine-loamy alluvium over limestone |
| fine-loamy colluvium and/or residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone |
| fine-loamy colluvium and/or residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from cherty limestone |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from limestone and sandstone |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or old alluvium |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone over fine-loamy residuum weathered from siltstone |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over residuum |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from siltstone |
| fine-loamy colluvium derived from siltstone over silty and clayey colluvium derived from shale |
| fine-loamy colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from shale |
| fine-loamy colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| fine-loamy colluvium over residuum weathered from acid shale |
| fine-loamy colluvium over residuum weathered from shale |
| fine-loamy eolian deposits over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| fine-loamy fluviomarine deposits |
| fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone |
| fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone |
| fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from calcareous sandstone and/or calcareous siltstone and/or limestone and shale |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone and/or calcareous shale |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone and/or limestone and shale |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from cherty limestone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from cherty limestone and/or siltstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or calcareous siltstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or fine grained sandstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous siltstone and/or calcareous shale |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from noncalcareous shale |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or acid siltstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or old alluvium |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or older fine-loamy alluvium |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from sedimentary rock |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or limestone and sandstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from siltstone |
| fine-loamy residuum weathered from siltstone and/or limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| fine-silty alluvium |
| fine-silty alluvium and/or colluvium derived from shale and siltstone |
| fine-silty alluvium and/or fine-silty noncalcareous loess |
| fine-silty alluvium and/or fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| fine-silty alluvium derived from acid shale |
| fine-silty alluvium derived from calcareous shale |
| fine-silty alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone |
| fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone |
| fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone |
| fine-silty alluvium derived from sandstone and shale |
| fine-silty alluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| fine-silty alluvium derived from shale and siltstone |
| fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite |
| fine-silty alluvium over noncalcareous loess |
| fine-silty colluvium and/or residuum weathered from acid shale |
| fine-silty colluvium derived from acid shale |
| fine-silty colluvium derived from calcareous shale |
| fine-silty colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone |
| fine-silty colluvium derived from shale |
| fine-silty colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over residuum |
| fine-silty colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale |
| fine-silty colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| fine-silty colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from shale |
| fine-silty colluvium over residuum weathered from acid shale |
| fine-silty lacustrine deposits over fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| fine-silty loess and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess and/or fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-silty residuum weathered from sedimentary rock |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly loamy fluviomarine deposits |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or siltstone |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from acid shale |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from shale |
| fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from acid shale |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from calcareous shale |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from cherty limestone and/or sandstone |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone and sandstone and/or alluvium |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone and shale |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or old alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from siltstone |
| fine-silty residuum weathered from siltstone and/or interbedded noncalcareous shale |
| gravelly alluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| gravelly coarse-loamy alluvium |
| gravelly colluvium derived from sandstone and shale over clayey residuum weathered from siltstone |
| gravelly colluvium derived from sedimentary rock over residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| gravelly fine-loamy colluvium derived from cherty limestone |
| gravelly fine-silty alluvium |
| gravelly fluviomarine deposits |
| gravelly loamy alluvium |
| human transported material |
| interbedded sedimentary rock and/or coal |
| limestone |
| limestone and siltstone |
| loamy and/or sandy alluvium |
| loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| loamy and gravelly marine deposits |
| loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from sandstone and shale |
| loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from sedimentary rock |
| loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from shale and siltstone |
| loamy colluvium derived from sandstone |
| loamy colluvium derived from sandstone over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale |
| loamy colluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over residuum |
| loamy colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone |
| loamy mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sandstone and shale |
| loamy mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock |
| loamy residuum weathered from acid shale |
| loamy residuum weathered from cherty limestone |
| loamy residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or calcareous siltstone |
| loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale |
| loamy residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone |
| loamy residuum weathered from sandstone |
| loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| loamy residuum weathered from shale |
| loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| loamy skeketal residuum weathered from sandstone |
| loamy skeletal alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| loamy skeletal coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| loamy skeletal colluvium derived from sandstone |
| loamy skeletal colluvium derived from sandstone and shale |
| loamy skeletal debris avalanche deposits derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| loamy skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| loamy skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock |
| loamy skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone |
| loamy skeletal residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| loamy skeletal residuum weathered from siltstone |
| loamy-skeletal alluvium |
| loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone |
| loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone and/or siltstone |
| loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from sandstone and shale |
| loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone |
| loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone and/or limestone |
| loamy-skeletal coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| loamy-skeletal coal extraction mine spoil derived from sedimentary rock |
| loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from cherty limestone |
| loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from cherty limestone over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone |
| loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from sandstone |
| loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from shale and siltstone |
| loamy-skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| loamy-skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock |
| loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from acid shale |
| loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from cherty limestone |
| loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone |
| loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from shale |
| loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or sandstone |
| loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from siltstone |
| loamy-skeletal, non-acid mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock |
| mine spoil or earthy fill |
| mixed alluvium |
| mixed clayey alluvium |
| mixed clayey alluvium over loamy alluvium |
| mixed clayey residuum weathered from clayey shale |
| mixed clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| mixed coarse-loamy alluvium |
| mixed coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale |
| mixed coarse-silty alluvium |
| mixed fine-loamy alluvium |
| mixed fine-loamy alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock |
| mixed fine-loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| mixed fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| mixed fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium and/or fine-silty colluvium derived from limestone |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium and/or thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone and/or shale and siltstone |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey lacustrine deposits |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or sandstone and shale |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium over limestone |
| mixed fine-silty alluvium over mixed loamy alluvium |
| mixed fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| mixed loamy alluvium |
| mixed loamy alluvium over residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| mixed loamy colluvium and/or loamy residuum weathered from sandstone |
| mixed loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| mixed loamy-skeletal alluvium |
| mixed sandy alluvium |
| mixed silty alluvium |
| mixed silty alluvium and/or loess over clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone |
| mixed thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| mmixed fine-loamy alluvium |
| noncalcareous clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| old alluvium over residuum weathered from limestone |
| old clayey alluvium |
| old clayey alluvium and/or residuum weathered from limestone |
| old clayey alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone |
| old clayey alluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| old clayey alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| old clayey alluvium over limestone |
| old fine-loamy alluvium |
| old fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from cherty limestone |
| old fine-loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| old fine-loamy alluvium over residuum weathered from limestone |
| old fine-silty alluvium |
| old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone |
| old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone and siltstone and/or shale |
| old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone |
| old mixed fine-silty alluvium |
| old mixed fine-silty alluvium and/or residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| rocky loamy colluvium derived from sandstone |
| sandstone |
| sandy alluvium |
| sandy alluvium derived from sandstone |
| sandy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock |
| sandy residuum weathered from sandstone |
| silty alluvium over clayey, calcareous lacustrine deposits |
| silty and clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale |
| skeletal loamy colluvium derived from siltstone and/or skeletal loamy residuum weathered from siltstone |
| skeletal loamy residuum weathered from acid shale |
| skeletal loamy residuum weathered from siltstone |
| slackwater clayey alluvium and/or clayey lacustrine deposits |
| smectitic clayey alluvium |
| thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess |
| thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess and/or alluvium |
| thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy outwash |
| thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess over silty residuum weathered from siltstone |
| thin clayey alluvium derived from limestone over clayey colluvium derived from limestone |
| thin coarse-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| thin fine-loamy loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| thin fine-loamy loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| thin fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| thin fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| thin fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| thin fine-silty alluvium over clayey alluvium |
| thin fine-silty calcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| thin fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone |
| thin fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| thin fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite |
| thin fine-silty loess over loamy alluvium |
| thin fine-silty loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| thin fine-silty loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess derived from sandstone and siltstone over fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over calcareous clayey lacustrine deposits |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from dolomite |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or old alluvium |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or shale and siltstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey, calcareous lacustrine deposits |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy till |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy till over clayey residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fluviomarine deposits |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly fluviomarine deposits |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly marine deposits |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy alluvium and/or clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy fluviomarine deposits |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy marine deposits |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy or clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or limestone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy outwash |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or siltstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone over residuum weathered from siltstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or sandstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from siltstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone and shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale |
| thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from shale |
| thin loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone |
| thin loess over clayey alluvium |
| thin loess over clayey lacustrine deposits |
| thin noncalcareous loess over clayey lacustrine deposits |
| thin noncalcareous loess over clayey outwash over residuum weathered from limestone |
| thin noncalcareous loess over stratified fine-loamy outwash |
| thin silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly marine deposits |
| thin silty noncalcareous loess over loamy and sandy marine deposits |