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Legend (WGS84WM_Services/Ky_SoilsNRCS_WGS84WM)

Soils Outlines (1)
Land Capability Class (2)
Class - I Class - I
Class - II Class - II
Class - III Class - III
Class - IV Class - IV
Class - V Class - V
Class - VI Class - VI
Class - VII Class - VII
Class - VIII Class - VIII
Depth to Fragipan (3)
5 - 8 inches 5 - 8 inches
12 - 20 inches 12 - 20 inches
21 - 29 inches 21 - 29 inches
30 - 34 inches 30 - 34 inches
Depth to Lithic Rock (4)
9 - 20 inches 9 - 20 inches
21- 30 inches 21- 30 inches
31 - 40 inches 31 - 40 inches
41 - 50 inches 41 - 50 inches
51 - 60 inches 51 - 60 inches
61 - 76 inches 61 - 76 inches
Depth to Paralithic Rock (5)
10 - 20 inches 10 - 20 inches
21 - 30 inches 21 - 30 inches
31 - 40 inches 31 - 40 inches
41 - 50 inches 41 - 50 inches
51 - 60 inches 51 - 60 inches
61 - 72 inches 61 - 72 inches
Drainage Class (6)
Excessively drained Excessively drained
Somewhat excessively drained Somewhat excessively drained
Well drained Well drained
Moderately well drained Moderately well drained
Somewhat poorly drained Somewhat poorly drained
Poorly drained Poorly drained
Very poorly drained Very poorly drained
Not rated Not rated
Farmland Classification (7)
All areas are prime farmland All areas are prime farmland
Prime farmland if drained Prime farmland if drained
Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season
Prime farmland if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season
Farmland of statewide importance Farmland of statewide importance
Not prime farmland Not prime farmland
Flooding Frequency (8)
Rare Rare
Very rare Very rare
Occasional Occasional
Frequent Frequent
Highly Erodible Land (9)
Hydric Classification (10)
Hydrologic Group (11)
Not rated Not rated
Parent Material (12)
Not rated Not rated
Water - not rated Water - not rated
acid clayey alluvium acid clayey alluvium
acid fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone acid fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone
acid fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale acid fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
acid silty alluvium acid silty alluvium
black shale black shale
calcareous clayey lacustrine deposits calcareous clayey lacustrine deposits
calcareous fine-silty alluvium calcareous fine-silty alluvium
cherty limestone cherty limestone
clayey alluvium clayey alluvium
clayey alluvium and/or colluvium derived from limestone clayey alluvium and/or colluvium derived from limestone
clayey alluvium and/or colluvium derived from limestone and shale clayey alluvium and/or colluvium derived from limestone and shale
clayey alluvium and/or residuum weathered from limestone clayey alluvium and/or residuum weathered from limestone
clayey alluvium derived from limestone clayey alluvium derived from limestone
clayey alluvium derived from limestone and shale and/or clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale clayey alluvium derived from limestone and shale and/or clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale
clayey alluvium derived from limestone and/or clayey colluvium derived from limestone clayey alluvium derived from limestone and/or clayey colluvium derived from limestone
clayey alluvium derived from phosphatic limestone clayey alluvium derived from phosphatic limestone
clayey alluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or limestone clayey alluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or limestone
clayey alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale clayey alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale
clayey alluvium over loamy alluvium clayey alluvium over loamy alluvium
clayey colluvium and/or clayey alluvium derived from calcareous shale and/or limestone clayey colluvium and/or clayey alluvium derived from calcareous shale and/or limestone
clayey colluvium and/or residuum weathered from acid shale clayey colluvium and/or residuum weathered from acid shale
clayey colluvium derived from acid shale clayey colluvium derived from acid shale
clayey colluvium derived from dolomite clayey colluvium derived from dolomite
clayey colluvium derived from igneous and metamorphic rock clayey colluvium derived from igneous and metamorphic rock
clayey colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock clayey colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
clayey colluvium derived from limestone clayey colluvium derived from limestone
clayey colluvium derived from limestone and sandstone clayey colluvium derived from limestone and sandstone
clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale
clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale and/or siltstone and/or dolomite and/or clayey alluvium clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale and/or siltstone and/or dolomite and/or clayey alluvium
clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or siltstone clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or siltstone
clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or clayey alluvium clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or clayey alluvium
clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or clayey alluvium derived from limestone clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or clayey alluvium derived from limestone
clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or mixed alluvium clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or mixed alluvium
clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or shale clayey colluvium derived from limestone and/or shale
clayey colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale clayey colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale
clayey colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone clayey colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone
clayey colluvium derived from sedimentary rock clayey colluvium derived from sedimentary rock
clayey colluvium derived from shale and siltstone clayey colluvium derived from shale and siltstone
clayey lacustrine deposits clayey lacustrine deposits
clayey residuum and/or colluvium derived from acid shale and/or sandstone and siltstone clayey residuum and/or colluvium derived from acid shale and/or sandstone and siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from acid shale clayey residuum weathered from acid shale
clayey residuum weathered from acid shale and/or clayey colluvium derived from acid shale clayey residuum weathered from acid shale and/or clayey colluvium derived from acid shale
clayey residuum weathered from acid shale and/or siltstone clayey residuum weathered from acid shale and/or siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from argillaceous limestone clayey residuum weathered from argillaceous limestone
clayey residuum weathered from argillaceous limestone and/or shaly limestone clayey residuum weathered from argillaceous limestone and/or shaly limestone
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone and/or limestone clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone and/or limestone
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or dolomite clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or dolomite
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or interbedded limestone clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or interbedded limestone
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or limestone clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or limestone
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or limestone and siltstone clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or limestone and siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or phosphatic limestone clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or phosphatic limestone
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or siltstone clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or siltstone and/or limestone and dolomite clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or siltstone and/or limestone and dolomite
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or soft dolomite clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or soft dolomite
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone clayey residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone and/or limestone and shale clayey residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone and/or limestone and shale
clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone
clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone and/or shale clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone and/or shale
clayey residuum weathered from clayey shale clayey residuum weathered from clayey shale
clayey residuum weathered from dolomite clayey residuum weathered from dolomite
clayey residuum weathered from dolomite and/or mudstone and/or siltstone clayey residuum weathered from dolomite and/or mudstone and/or siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock clayey residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock
clayey residuum weathered from limestone clayey residuum weathered from limestone
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and sandstone clayey residuum weathered from limestone and sandstone
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or clayey colluvium derived from limestone and shale
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or interbedded mudstone clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or interbedded mudstone
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or siltstone clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous siltstone and/or calcareous shale clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous siltstone and/or calcareous shale
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or interbedded calcareous shale clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or interbedded calcareous shale
clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or interbedded shale and siltstone clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or interbedded shale and siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale
clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone
clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone and/or shale clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone and/or shale
clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
clayey residuum weathered from shale clayey residuum weathered from shale
clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or limestone clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or limestone
clayey residuum weathered from shale and/or limestone clayey residuum weathered from shale and/or limestone
clayey, calcareous lacustrine deposits clayey, calcareous lacustrine deposits
clayey, clacareous lacustrine deposits clayey, clacareous lacustrine deposits
clayey-skeletal residuum weathered from acid shale clayey-skeletal residuum weathered from acid shale
clayey-skeletal residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or limestone clayey-skeletal residuum weathered from calcareous shale and/or limestone
coal extraction mine spoil derived from coal coal extraction mine spoil derived from coal
coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
coarse-loamy alluvium coarse-loamy alluvium
coarse-loamy alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock coarse-loamy alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
coarse-loamy alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale coarse-loamy alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale
coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale
coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone
coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock
coarse-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone coarse-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone
coarse-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale coarse-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale
coarse-loamy colluvium derived from sedimentary rock coarse-loamy colluvium derived from sedimentary rock
coarse-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone coarse-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone
coarse-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone and/or acid sandstone coarse-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone and/or acid sandstone
coarse-loamy mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sandstone coarse-loamy mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sandstone
coarse-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone coarse-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone
coarse-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale coarse-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
coarse-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone coarse-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
coarse-silty alluvium coarse-silty alluvium
coarse-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone coarse-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
coarse-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone coarse-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone
coarse-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or old alluvium coarse-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or old alluvium
cobbly colluvium derived from sandstone over residuum weathered from shale cobbly colluvium derived from sandstone over residuum weathered from shale
dolomite dolomite
eolian sands eolian sands
fine-loamy alluvium fine-loamy alluvium
fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium and/or residuum weathered from sandstone and shale fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium and/or residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from cherty limestone fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from cherty limestone
fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale
fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from sedimentary rock fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from sedimentary rock
fine-loamy alluvium derived from cherty limestone fine-loamy alluvium derived from cherty limestone
fine-loamy alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock fine-loamy alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone
fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone
fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale
fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone fine-loamy alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone
fine-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale fine-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale
fine-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale fine-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale
fine-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone fine-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone
fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock
fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone
fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from sedimentary rock fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from sedimentary rock
fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone fine-loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
fine-loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone fine-loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
fine-loamy alluvium over limestone fine-loamy alluvium over limestone
fine-loamy colluvium and/or residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone fine-loamy colluvium and/or residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone
fine-loamy colluvium and/or residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone fine-loamy colluvium and/or residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
fine-loamy colluvium derived from cherty limestone fine-loamy colluvium derived from cherty limestone
fine-loamy colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock fine-loamy colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
fine-loamy colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock fine-loamy colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock and/or fine-loamy residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock
fine-loamy colluvium derived from limestone and sandstone fine-loamy colluvium derived from limestone and sandstone
fine-loamy colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or old alluvium fine-loamy colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or old alluvium
fine-loamy colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone fine-loamy colluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone
fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale
fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone
fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone over fine-loamy residuum weathered from siltstone fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone over fine-loamy residuum weathered from siltstone
fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone
fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over residuum fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over residuum
fine-loamy colluvium derived from siltstone fine-loamy colluvium derived from siltstone
fine-loamy colluvium derived from siltstone over silty and clayey colluvium derived from shale fine-loamy colluvium derived from siltstone over silty and clayey colluvium derived from shale
fine-loamy colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from shale fine-loamy colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from shale
fine-loamy colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone fine-loamy colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
fine-loamy colluvium over residuum weathered from acid shale fine-loamy colluvium over residuum weathered from acid shale
fine-loamy colluvium over residuum weathered from shale fine-loamy colluvium over residuum weathered from shale
fine-loamy eolian deposits over clayey residuum weathered from limestone fine-loamy eolian deposits over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
fine-loamy fluviomarine deposits fine-loamy fluviomarine deposits
fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone
fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone
fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from calcareous sandstone and/or calcareous siltstone and/or limestone and shale fine-loamy residuum weathered from calcareous sandstone and/or calcareous siltstone and/or limestone and shale
fine-loamy residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone and/or calcareous shale fine-loamy residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone and/or calcareous shale
fine-loamy residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone and/or limestone and shale fine-loamy residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone and/or limestone and shale
fine-loamy residuum weathered from cherty limestone fine-loamy residuum weathered from cherty limestone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from cherty limestone and/or siltstone fine-loamy residuum weathered from cherty limestone and/or siltstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock fine-loamy residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock
fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or calcareous siltstone fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or calcareous siltstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale
fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or fine grained sandstone fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or fine grained sandstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale
fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous siltstone and/or calcareous shale fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous siltstone and/or calcareous shale
fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale
fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from noncalcareous shale fine-loamy residuum weathered from noncalcareous shale
fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or acid siltstone fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or acid siltstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or old alluvium fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or old alluvium
fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or older fine-loamy alluvium fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or older fine-loamy alluvium
fine-loamy residuum weathered from sedimentary rock fine-loamy residuum weathered from sedimentary rock
fine-loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone fine-loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or limestone and sandstone fine-loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or limestone and sandstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from siltstone fine-loamy residuum weathered from siltstone
fine-loamy residuum weathered from siltstone and/or limestone, sandstone, and shale fine-loamy residuum weathered from siltstone and/or limestone, sandstone, and shale
fine-silty alluvium fine-silty alluvium
fine-silty alluvium and/or colluvium derived from shale and siltstone fine-silty alluvium and/or colluvium derived from shale and siltstone
fine-silty alluvium and/or fine-silty noncalcareous loess fine-silty alluvium and/or fine-silty noncalcareous loess
fine-silty alluvium and/or fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone fine-silty alluvium and/or fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
fine-silty alluvium derived from acid shale fine-silty alluvium derived from acid shale
fine-silty alluvium derived from calcareous shale fine-silty alluvium derived from calcareous shale
fine-silty alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock fine-silty alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone
fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone
fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale
fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone
fine-silty alluvium derived from sandstone and shale fine-silty alluvium derived from sandstone and shale
fine-silty alluvium derived from sedimentary rock fine-silty alluvium derived from sedimentary rock
fine-silty alluvium derived from shale and siltstone fine-silty alluvium derived from shale and siltstone
fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite
fine-silty alluvium over noncalcareous loess fine-silty alluvium over noncalcareous loess
fine-silty colluvium and/or residuum weathered from acid shale fine-silty colluvium and/or residuum weathered from acid shale
fine-silty colluvium derived from acid shale fine-silty colluvium derived from acid shale
fine-silty colluvium derived from calcareous shale fine-silty colluvium derived from calcareous shale
fine-silty colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone fine-silty colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone
fine-silty colluvium derived from shale fine-silty colluvium derived from shale
fine-silty colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over residuum fine-silty colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over residuum
fine-silty colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale fine-silty colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale
fine-silty colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone fine-silty colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
fine-silty colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from shale fine-silty colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from shale
fine-silty colluvium over residuum weathered from acid shale fine-silty colluvium over residuum weathered from acid shale
fine-silty lacustrine deposits over fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone fine-silty lacustrine deposits over fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
fine-silty loess and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone fine-silty loess and/or fine-loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite
fine-silty noncalcareous loess fine-silty noncalcareous loess
fine-silty noncalcareous loess and/or fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone fine-silty noncalcareous loess and/or fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-silty residuum weathered from sedimentary rock fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-silty residuum weathered from sedimentary rock
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly loamy fluviomarine deposits fine-silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly loamy fluviomarine deposits
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or siltstone fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or siltstone
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from acid shale fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from acid shale
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from shale fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from shale
fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from shale and siltstone fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
fine-silty residuum weathered from acid shale fine-silty residuum weathered from acid shale
fine-silty residuum weathered from calcareous shale fine-silty residuum weathered from calcareous shale
fine-silty residuum weathered from cherty limestone and/or sandstone fine-silty residuum weathered from cherty limestone and/or sandstone
fine-silty residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock fine-silty residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock
fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone
fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone and sandstone and/or alluvium fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone and sandstone and/or alluvium
fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone and shale fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone and shale
fine-silty residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone fine-silty residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone
fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or old alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or old alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale
fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone fine-silty residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
fine-silty residuum weathered from siltstone fine-silty residuum weathered from siltstone
fine-silty residuum weathered from siltstone and/or interbedded noncalcareous shale fine-silty residuum weathered from siltstone and/or interbedded noncalcareous shale
gravelly alluvium derived from sedimentary rock gravelly alluvium derived from sedimentary rock
gravelly coarse-loamy alluvium gravelly coarse-loamy alluvium
gravelly colluvium derived from sandstone and shale over clayey residuum weathered from siltstone gravelly colluvium derived from sandstone and shale over clayey residuum weathered from siltstone
gravelly colluvium derived from sedimentary rock over residuum weathered from shale and siltstone gravelly colluvium derived from sedimentary rock over residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
gravelly fine-loamy colluvium derived from cherty limestone gravelly fine-loamy colluvium derived from cherty limestone
gravelly fine-silty alluvium gravelly fine-silty alluvium
gravelly fluviomarine deposits gravelly fluviomarine deposits
gravelly loamy alluvium gravelly loamy alluvium
human transported material human transported material
interbedded sedimentary rock and/or coal interbedded sedimentary rock and/or coal
limestone limestone
limestone and siltstone limestone and siltstone
loamy and/or sandy alluvium loamy and/or sandy alluvium
loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock loamy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock
loamy and gravelly marine deposits loamy and gravelly marine deposits
loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from sandstone and shale loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from sandstone and shale
loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from sedimentary rock loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from sedimentary rock
loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from shale and siltstone loamy coal extraction mine spoil derived from shale and siltstone
loamy colluvium derived from sandstone loamy colluvium derived from sandstone
loamy colluvium derived from sandstone over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale loamy colluvium derived from sandstone over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale
loamy colluvium derived from sedimentary rock loamy colluvium derived from sedimentary rock
loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over residuum loamy colluvium derived from shale and siltstone over residuum
loamy colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone loamy colluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone
loamy mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sandstone and shale loamy mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sandstone and shale
loamy mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock loamy mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock
loamy residuum weathered from acid shale loamy residuum weathered from acid shale
loamy residuum weathered from cherty limestone loamy residuum weathered from cherty limestone
loamy residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or calcareous siltstone loamy residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or calcareous siltstone
loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale
loamy residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone loamy residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or calcareous siltstone
loamy residuum weathered from sandstone loamy residuum weathered from sandstone
loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
loamy residuum weathered from shale loamy residuum weathered from shale
loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
loamy skeketal residuum weathered from sandstone loamy skeketal residuum weathered from sandstone
loamy skeletal alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock loamy skeletal alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
loamy skeletal coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock loamy skeletal coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
loamy skeletal colluvium derived from sandstone loamy skeletal colluvium derived from sandstone
loamy skeletal colluvium derived from sandstone and shale loamy skeletal colluvium derived from sandstone and shale
loamy skeletal debris avalanche deposits derived from interbedded sedimentary rock loamy skeletal debris avalanche deposits derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
loamy skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from interbedded sedimentary rock loamy skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
loamy skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock loamy skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock
loamy skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone loamy skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone
loamy skeletal residuum weathered from shale and siltstone loamy skeletal residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
loamy skeletal residuum weathered from siltstone loamy skeletal residuum weathered from siltstone
loamy-skeletal alluvium loamy-skeletal alluvium
loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone
loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone and/or siltstone loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone and/or siltstone
loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale
loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from sandstone and shale loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from sandstone and shale
loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone
loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone and/or limestone loamy-skeletal alluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone and/or limestone
loamy-skeletal coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock loamy-skeletal coal extraction mine spoil derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
loamy-skeletal coal extraction mine spoil derived from sedimentary rock loamy-skeletal coal extraction mine spoil derived from sedimentary rock
loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from cherty limestone loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from cherty limestone
loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from cherty limestone over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from cherty limestone over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone
loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from sandstone loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from sandstone
loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from sedimentary rock loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from sedimentary rock
loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from shale and siltstone loamy-skeletal colluvium derived from shale and siltstone
loamy-skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from interbedded sedimentary rock loamy-skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
loamy-skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock loamy-skeletal mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock
loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from acid shale loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from acid shale
loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from cherty limestone loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from cherty limestone
loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from interbedded sedimentary rock
loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone
loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone and shale loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from shale loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from shale
loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or sandstone loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or sandstone
loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from siltstone loamy-skeletal residuum weathered from siltstone
loamy-skeletal, non-acid mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock loamy-skeletal, non-acid mine spoil or earthy fill derived from sedimentary rock
mine spoil or earthy fill mine spoil or earthy fill
mixed alluvium mixed alluvium
mixed clayey alluvium mixed clayey alluvium
mixed clayey alluvium over loamy alluvium mixed clayey alluvium over loamy alluvium
mixed clayey residuum weathered from clayey shale mixed clayey residuum weathered from clayey shale
mixed clayey residuum weathered from limestone mixed clayey residuum weathered from limestone
mixed coarse-loamy alluvium mixed coarse-loamy alluvium
mixed coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale mixed coarse-loamy alluvium derived from sandstone and shale
mixed coarse-silty alluvium mixed coarse-silty alluvium
mixed fine-loamy alluvium mixed fine-loamy alluvium
mixed fine-loamy alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock mixed fine-loamy alluvium derived from interbedded sedimentary rock
mixed fine-loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone mixed fine-loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
mixed fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale mixed fine-loamy colluvium derived from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
mixed fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale mixed fine-loamy residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale
mixed fine-silty alluvium mixed fine-silty alluvium
mixed fine-silty alluvium and/or fine-silty colluvium derived from limestone mixed fine-silty alluvium and/or fine-silty colluvium derived from limestone
mixed fine-silty alluvium and/or thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone mixed fine-silty alluvium and/or thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
mixed fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone mixed fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone
mixed fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone and/or shale and siltstone mixed fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone and/or shale and siltstone
mixed fine-silty alluvium derived from sedimentary rock mixed fine-silty alluvium derived from sedimentary rock
mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey lacustrine deposits mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey lacustrine deposits
mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite
mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone
mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or sandstone and shale mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or sandstone and shale
mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone mixed fine-silty alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone
mixed fine-silty alluvium over limestone mixed fine-silty alluvium over limestone
mixed fine-silty alluvium over mixed loamy alluvium mixed fine-silty alluvium over mixed loamy alluvium
mixed fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone mixed fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
mixed loamy alluvium mixed loamy alluvium
mixed loamy alluvium over residuum weathered from sandstone and shale mixed loamy alluvium over residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
mixed loamy colluvium and/or loamy residuum weathered from sandstone mixed loamy colluvium and/or loamy residuum weathered from sandstone
mixed loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale mixed loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
mixed loamy-skeletal alluvium mixed loamy-skeletal alluvium
mixed sandy alluvium mixed sandy alluvium
mixed silty alluvium mixed silty alluvium
mixed silty alluvium and/or loess over clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone mixed silty alluvium and/or loess over clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone
mixed thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale mixed thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
mmixed fine-loamy alluvium mmixed fine-loamy alluvium
noncalcareous clayey residuum weathered from limestone noncalcareous clayey residuum weathered from limestone
old alluvium over residuum weathered from limestone old alluvium over residuum weathered from limestone
old clayey alluvium old clayey alluvium
old clayey alluvium and/or residuum weathered from limestone old clayey alluvium and/or residuum weathered from limestone
old clayey alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone old clayey alluvium derived from limestone and sandstone
old clayey alluvium derived from sedimentary rock old clayey alluvium derived from sedimentary rock
old clayey alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone old clayey alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
old clayey alluvium over limestone old clayey alluvium over limestone
old fine-loamy alluvium old fine-loamy alluvium
old fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from cherty limestone old fine-loamy alluvium and/or colluvium derived from cherty limestone
old fine-loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone old fine-loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
old fine-loamy alluvium over residuum weathered from limestone old fine-loamy alluvium over residuum weathered from limestone
old fine-silty alluvium old fine-silty alluvium
old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone
old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone and siltstone and/or shale old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone and siltstone and/or shale
old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale
old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone old fine-silty alluvium derived from limestone, sandstone, and shale and/or siltstone
old mixed fine-silty alluvium old mixed fine-silty alluvium
old mixed fine-silty alluvium and/or residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone old mixed fine-silty alluvium and/or residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
rocky loamy colluvium derived from sandstone rocky loamy colluvium derived from sandstone
sandstone sandstone
sandy alluvium sandy alluvium
sandy alluvium derived from sandstone sandy alluvium derived from sandstone
sandy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock sandy alluvium derived from sedimentary rock
sandy residuum weathered from sandstone sandy residuum weathered from sandstone
silty alluvium over clayey, calcareous lacustrine deposits silty alluvium over clayey, calcareous lacustrine deposits
silty and clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale silty and clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale
skeletal loamy colluvium derived from siltstone and/or skeletal loamy residuum weathered from siltstone skeletal loamy colluvium derived from siltstone and/or skeletal loamy residuum weathered from siltstone
skeletal loamy residuum weathered from acid shale skeletal loamy residuum weathered from acid shale
skeletal loamy residuum weathered from siltstone skeletal loamy residuum weathered from siltstone
slackwater clayey alluvium and/or clayey lacustrine deposits slackwater clayey alluvium and/or clayey lacustrine deposits
smectitic clayey alluvium smectitic clayey alluvium
thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess
thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess and/or alluvium thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess and/or alluvium
thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy outwash thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy outwash
thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess over silty residuum weathered from siltstone thick fine-silty noncalcareous loess over silty residuum weathered from siltstone
thin clayey alluvium derived from limestone over clayey colluvium derived from limestone thin clayey alluvium derived from limestone over clayey colluvium derived from limestone
thin coarse-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone thin coarse-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
thin fine-loamy loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale thin fine-loamy loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
thin fine-loamy loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale thin fine-loamy loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
thin fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale thin fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
thin fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone thin fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
thin fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale thin fine-loamy noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
thin fine-silty alluvium over clayey alluvium thin fine-silty alluvium over clayey alluvium
thin fine-silty calcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone thin fine-silty calcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
thin fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone thin fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone
thin fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone thin fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
thin fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite thin fine-silty loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and dolomite
thin fine-silty loess over loamy alluvium thin fine-silty loess over loamy alluvium
thin fine-silty loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone thin fine-silty loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
thin fine-silty loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale thin fine-silty loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess derived from sandstone and siltstone over fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess derived from sandstone and siltstone over fine-silty residuum weathered from limestone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over calcareous clayey lacustrine deposits thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over calcareous clayey lacustrine deposits
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from acid shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from calcareous shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from cherty limestone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from dolomite thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from dolomite
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or calcareous shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and siltstone and/or shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or old alluvium thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or calcareous shale and/or old alluvium
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or shale and siltstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from limestone and/or shale and siltstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from phosphatic limestone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey residuum weathered from shale and siltstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey, calcareous lacustrine deposits thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over clayey, calcareous lacustrine deposits
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy till thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy till
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy till over clayey residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-loamy till over clayey residuum weathered from calcareous siltstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fine-silty residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fluviomarine deposits thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over fluviomarine deposits
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly fluviomarine deposits thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly fluviomarine deposits
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly marine deposits thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly marine deposits
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy alluvium and/or clayey residuum weathered from limestone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy alluvium and/or clayey residuum weathered from limestone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy fluviomarine deposits thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy fluviomarine deposits
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy marine deposits thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy marine deposits
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy or clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or limestone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy or clayey residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or limestone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy outwash thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy outwash
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and shale and/or siltstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or siltstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone and/or siltstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone over residuum weathered from siltstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from sandstone over residuum weathered from siltstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or sandstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from shale and siltstone and/or sandstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from siltstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over loamy residuum weathered from siltstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone and shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone and shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone and shale and/or siltstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from limestone, sandstone, and shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from sandstone and siltstone and/or shale
thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from shale thin fine-silty noncalcareous loess over residuum weathered from shale
thin loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone thin loamy alluvium over clayey residuum weathered from limestone
thin loess over clayey alluvium thin loess over clayey alluvium
thin loess over clayey lacustrine deposits thin loess over clayey lacustrine deposits
thin noncalcareous loess over clayey lacustrine deposits thin noncalcareous loess over clayey lacustrine deposits
thin noncalcareous loess over clayey outwash over residuum weathered from limestone thin noncalcareous loess over clayey outwash over residuum weathered from limestone
thin noncalcareous loess over stratified fine-loamy outwash thin noncalcareous loess over stratified fine-loamy outwash
thin silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly marine deposits thin silty noncalcareous loess over gravelly marine deposits
thin silty noncalcareous loess over loamy and sandy marine deposits thin silty noncalcareous loess over loamy and sandy marine deposits
Pasture Hay Suitability (13)
PHG-1 Well drained bottomland soils PHG-1 Well drained bottomland soils
PHG-2 Somewhat poorly drained bottomland soils PHG-2 Somewhat poorly drained bottomland soils
PHG-3 Poorly drained bottomland soils PHG-3 Poorly drained bottomland soils
PHG-4 Poorly drained clayey soils PHG-4 Poorly drained clayey soils
PHG-5 Deep well drained upland soils 0-30% PHG-5 Deep well drained upland soils 0-30%
PHG-6 Deep well drained upland soils >12% PHG-6 Deep well drained upland soils >12%
PHG-7 Moderately deep upland soils PHG-7 Moderately deep upland soils
PHG-8 Shallow soils PHG-8 Shallow soils
PHG-9 Rocky and stony soils PHG-9 Rocky and stony soils
PHG-10 Severely eroded soils PHG-10 Severely eroded soils
PHG-11 Moderately well drained soils with a fragipan PHG-11 Moderately well drained soils with a fragipan
PHG-12 Poorly drained soils with a fragipan PHG-12 Poorly drained soils with a fragipan
PHG-13 Gravelly and cherty soils PHG-13 Gravelly and cherty soils
PHG-14 Sandy soils PHG-14 Sandy soils
Water - Not Rated Water - Not Rated
Not Rated Not Rated
Septic Tank Absorption Suitability (14)
Not limited Not limited
Somewhat limited Somewhat limited
Very limited Very limited
Not rated Not rated