This vector dataset contains polygons with hyperlinks accessing 2 foot imagery, by tile, from the 2006 National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP). These tiles are named to correspond This imagery data set consists of 2' pixel resolution, leaf-on natural color orthoimages covering the state of Kentucky from the summer of 2006. An orthoimage is remotely sensed image data in which displacement of features in the image caused by terrain relief and sensor orientation have been reduced to minimize horizontal displacement. Orthoimagery combines the image characteristics of a photograph with the geometric qualities of a map. Each orthoimage provides imagery over a 10,000 by 10,000-foot block on the ground. There is no image overlap between adjacent files. The data is provided in 10,000 ft x 10,000 ft grid blocks rectified to the Kentucky Single Zone SPCS, US Survey Foot, NAD83 |